core CORE =Congress of Racial Equality 〔美国〕争取种族平等大会。 n. 1.果心。 2.(事物、问题等的)中心,核心;精髓。 3.(地球的)地核;【地质学;地理学】岩心;【铸】型心;【建筑】衬心;【电学】(线)心,心线;(计算机的)磁心;(原子反应堆的)堆芯,活性区;(燃料元件)芯体。 4.(羊内脏中的)种瘤。 5.〔美国〕(各专业学生共修的)基础课。 throw away the apple because of the core 因噎废食。 to the core 到心,彻底(rotten to the core 透心腐烂;坏入骨髓,糟糕透顶。 English to the core道地的英国人)。 vt. 挖去…的果心。
The effects of thoracotomy surgery on the accuracy of esophageal core temperature measurement 开胸手术对于食道中心体温测量准确性的影响。
The core temperature of food should reach 75 degrees celsius for two to three minutes . 食物的中心点应达到摄氏七十五度,并持续两至三分钟。
In - core temperature or primary envelope temperature measurements in nuclear power reactor - characteristics and test methods 核动力堆堆芯或堆主包壳内温度测量特性和测试方法
In - core temperature or primary envelope temperature measurements in nuclear power reactors . characteristics and test methods 核动力反应堆中燃料芯体温度或主包壳温度测量.特性和试验方法
Core temperatures are similarly extreme ? about 5 , 000 degrees celsius , similar to the temperature at the surface of the sun 此外,地核的温度也十分极端约为5000 ,相当于太阳表面的温度。
Reheat leftovers before consumption thoroughly to a core temperature of at least 75 . bring soups , sauces and gravies to boil 翻热剩馀食物时,将其加热至中心温度至摄氏75度或以上,并确保汤腌汁或酱汁都已煮至滚沸。
The lowering of your body ' s core temperature below normal can lead to poor judgement and confusion , loss of consciousness and death - even in summer 即使在夏季,体温低于正常值也将会导致判断力下降,思维混乱,昏厥甚至死亡!
The star becomes very big and the surface temperature decreases , although the core temperature is still very high and the total luminosity is also high 虽然核心仍保持炽热,但膨胀令表面温度下降,结果星光变红,最后演化为一颗
Thermogenic fat burners are supplements using herbs and chemicals that are known to raise the body ' s core temperature and thus increasing the metabolism 热性脂肪燃烧剂是用药草或化学成分提高身体核心温度,借此提升新陈代谢速度的减脂辅助品。